Choosing Offshore From The Get-Go; UK Regulating Crypto Ads



Hong Kong-based Animoca Brands is glad it made a bet on non-US jurisdictions for its crypto token project says an article in the South China Morning Post. The company’s Sand token was named a security in this week’s SEC lawsuits against Binance and Coinbase. The Post explains, “Sand is the native crypto token used by Animoca’s metaverse platform The Sandbox, and it was one of more than a dozen such tokens to have been explicitly named by the SEC as securities, with others including Solana, Polygon and Mana, the token used in the Decentraland virtual world.” Read it.

regulating crypto ads

Saying its issuing “tough new rules” for advertising cryptoassets, the United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), the equivalent of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the U.S., said that the new rules will go into place this October and ban such marketing tactics as “refer a friend.” Overall, the agency hopes that the introduction of what it’s calling a “cooling off period” will give investors pause before diving into what the FCA sees as highly speculative investing. Read the announcement. And, get the rules (PDF).

Read a summary from CoinDesk. Continue reading “Choosing Offshore From The Get-Go; UK Regulating Crypto Ads”

Secretary Yellen On Crypto: Additional Regulation Would Be Appropriate

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen

Treasury speaks

U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen appeared on CNBC’s Squawk Box yesterday and talked crypto after the recent enforcement actions against Binance and Coinbase. She said, “[Treasury recently] wrote a set of reports in response to the President’s Executive Order to examine the risks inherent in crypto. And we identified a number of risks – some of which – risks to consumes, investors – our laws are already strong. The SEC, The CFTC, other regulators have the ability and tools to protect consumers and investors. I’m very supportive of seeing those agencies use the tools they have. (…) I see some holes in the system where additional regulation would be appropriate. We’d like to work with Congress to see additional regulation pass.” See it.

intro to crypto

A new publication,  “Introduction To Cryptocurrency,” hit the Congressional Research Service database in late May. “Currently, there is no comprehensive regulatory framework for crypto, but regulators may apply existing regulatory frameworks when applicable to crypto,” writes author Paul Tierno, an analyst in financial economics at CRS. Download it (PDF).

Tierno explains several key policy issues facing Congress including: “The regulatory policy debate has focused on whether a regulatory regime that is tailored for crypto is necessary. Other key policy issues can be summed up in three unanswered questions: Is the current authority sufficient, or is congressional action required? If new regulatory authority is required, who should be the primary regulator? Is it better to create a new, overarching structure, or is a refinement of the existing framework sufficient?”

Tierno also wrote the lengthy and detailed “Cryptocurrency: Selected Policy Issues (PDF)” which was released in February. The new “Intro To Crypto” appears to “peel out” a digestable version of his February tome.

europe salivating

In the wake of the U.S. regulatory crackdown on digital assets, Europeans are beginning to salivate at the potential to tilt the global economic order their way. Joachim Schwerin, a principal economist in the European Commission’s department responsible for economic growth tells CoinDesk, “What we hear from businesses is that now a lot of them are looking to grow, to stay safe, and to manage their risks. (…) They don’t know what will happen in the U.S., so they come to us. This is good for us, this is good for competitiveness.” Read more. Continue reading “Secretary Yellen On Crypto: Additional Regulation Would Be Appropriate”

‘Token Millennial’ Rep. Kat Cammack Explores Gaming, Government Programs And The Blockchain

Rep. Kat Cammack

As she began her 5-minute allotment of the Q&A, Rep. Kat Cammack (R, FL) let loose with a “quote of the day” as she identified herself “the token millennial” at the blockchain hearing run by House Energy and Commerce’s Subcommittee on Innovation, Data, and Commerce titled, “Building Blockchains: Exploring Web3 and Other Applications for Distributed Ledger Technologies.

Tokenized, indeed.

In spite of being the last Member to question the hearing’s witnesses, Cammack seemed to relish the chance to explore several areas in which she believed distributed ledger technology and digital assets could have compelling purposes.  See the video of Rep. Cammack’s Q&A.

(lightly edited for clarity)

REP. KAT CAMMACK: How do you envision blockchain changing the future of gaming and even going so far as, say, the metaverse?

RYAN WYATT, POLYGON LABS: I appreciate the question and am empathetic to it, especially having kids and my wife not being particularly keen with video games. But, I think one thing that a lot of folks don’t realize is the way that we think about video games – Mario, Tetris – it is evolved. They are digital worlds. People are learning. They’re interacting. They’re socializing. They’re wanting to spend their time inside of these environments, whatever it is that they’re doing, right? And there’s obviously a variety of things.

So, with this, is people want to spend money where they’re spending time – that’s a very natural behavior for anyone to do. Whether you’re a kid or an adult that are interacting in these digital worlds, that’s important. So therefore, you see a lot of digital goods being purchased inside of these games. Whether it’s a cosmetic item for you to have some representation in-game or whatever the case may be. As you pointed out, it’s generating hundreds of billions of dollars. YouTube’s one of the largest verticals in the (gaming) business. Continue reading “‘Token Millennial’ Rep. Kat Cammack Explores Gaming, Government Programs And The Blockchain”

Lawmakers Want Use Cases, Witnesses Want Regulation: Today’s House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee Hearing

Rep. Darren Soto

Today’s hearing of House Energy and Commerce’s Subcommittee on Innovation, Data, and Commerce titled, “Building Blockchains: Exploring Web3 and Other Applications for Distributed Ledger Technologies,” was a rare opportunity for lawmakers to discuss blockchain applications beyond the financial realm – and learn.

And though some Democrats appeared to read from a script written by Democratic party leadership – such as the Subcommittee Ranking Member Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D, IL) and Rep. Lori Trahan (D, MA) who seemed to try and paint blockchain technology as a threat – other Members from both sides of the aisle often asked substantive questions.

This included Rep. Darren Soto (D, FL), who took his turn during the hearing’s Q&A section with a straightforward query about blockchain use cases.

Soto is well-known on Capitol Hill for his support of the burgeoning blockchain industry with his work on several blockchain-related bills including co-sponsorship of Majority Whip Rep. Tom Emmer’s (R, MN) recent “Securities Clarity Act“. He was also a co-chair of the Congressional Blockchain Caucus in the 117th Congress.

As evidenced by the answers to Rep. Soto ‘s question, witnesses mostly wanted to talk about the need for regulation, not use cases.  (Video is here.)

(Lightly edited for clarity)

REP. DARREN SOTO: In the beginning, in my opening remarks, I talked about a lot of the areas where we were already able to pass amendments into both the National Defense Authorization Act and the Appropriations Act and get a lot of the blockchain advances under federal law. It was mentioned by our colleague, [Rep. Rick Allen (R, GA)]: the food tracing with the FDA to help with public safety; helping with encrypted communications through our military; protecting veterans records, among other areas, going forward.

So, we in Congress want to make sure we’re good partners in advancing this critical technology, whether it’s for economic reasons, security, for advancing critical resources. So, I’ll start with Mr. Wyatt, but I’m going to ask all of you the same question. Mr. Wyatt, if there could be one particular partnership the federal government could help advance in some of these areas. What do you think it should be that we should work on and why? Continue reading “Lawmakers Want Use Cases, Witnesses Want Regulation: Today’s House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee Hearing”

SEC, States Aim Enforcement Actions Against Coinbase; SWIFT Testing Tokenized Asset Systems

Coinbase enforcement action

SEC charges Coinbase

Coinciding with another round of hearings aimed at creating legislation for digital assets – and Monday’s action against Binance – the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) delivered an enforcement action against Coinbase. The agency said in a statement that Coinbase was “operating its crypto asset trading platform as an unregistered national securities exchange, broker, and clearing agency.” The SEC also charged Coinbase for “failing to register the offer and sale of its crypto asset staking-as-a-service program.”

Read the statement. And, see the 101-page lawsuit (PDF).

The suit was not unexpected given the “Wells notice” Coinbase received in March suggesting an enforcement action was on the way.

It was only two years ago that Coinbase’s registration statement allowing it to go public was approved by the SEC.

SEC charges Coinbase – states

The lawsuits for Coinbase didn’t stop with the SEC yesterday either. Though likely well-coordinated with the securities agency, “a multistate task force comprising state regulators from Alabama, California, Illinois, Kentucky, Maryland, New Jersey, South Carolina, Vermont, Washington and Wisconsin have issued a Show Cause Order against cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase,” reports Cointelegraph. Note the inclusion of both “red” and “blue” states in the group.

The Order gives Coinbase 28 days to show cause why they should not be directed to cease and desist from selling unregistered securities in Alabama” and in coordination with the other states mentioned. The action stems from the Coinbase’s staking rewards service says the Order. Read the order (PDF). Continue reading “SEC, States Aim Enforcement Actions Against Coinbase; SWIFT Testing Tokenized Asset Systems”

Come In And Register – How Does That Really Go? Robinhood Tells All At House Ag Hearing


Securities Exchange and Commission (SEC) Chair Gary Gensler has often said in the media that aspiring, well-regulated crypto companies should “come in” and “register” with the SEC.

See his speech in September 2022, for example.

But, how does that really go? Rep. John Rose (R, TN) wanted to know.

During the second panel of the day for House Agriculture’s digital assets hearing, “The Future of Digital Assets: Providing Clarity for Digital Asset Spot Markets,” Rose asked Dan Gallagher, Chief Legal Compliance and Corporate Affairs Officer, of Robinhood Markets, to discuss his own company’s pro-active registration attempt with the SEC for its crypto product:

“We actually came in and we did it proactively. We weren’t being investigated by the SEC. And we did it just because he wanted folks to do it. We thought it was good for our business and our customers.  We went through a 16-month process of trying to register a special purpose broker dealer. And then we were pretty summarily told in March [of this year] that that process was over and we would not see any any fruits of that effort.”

Continue reading “Come In And Register – How Does That Really Go? Robinhood Tells All At House Ag Hearing”

CFTC’s Behnam Sees Need For Digital Assets Legislation At House Agriculture Hearing

Chair Behnam

Today’s hearing, “The Future of Digital Assets: Providing Clarity for Digital Asset Spot Markets” by the House Agriculture marks another step in the legislative process for House Republicans to create a digital asset market structure.

See the discussion draft (PDF) and the bill’s summary (PDF).

Among the witness list, the first panel included only Chair Rostin Behnam, Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).

TL;DR – Behnam is ready for this bill or something like it. Near the end of the hearing’s questioning, he suggested decades-old law is not nearly enough.

You can see prepared testimony for participants here.

Video is here.


House Agriculture Committee Chair Rep. Glenn “GT” Thompson (R, PA) – after a brief opening statement – added that today’s Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) enforcement action against Coinbase is exactly why this hearing was taking place – regulation by enforcement was not the way forward, rather legislation from Congress should be the way, he said.

Next, House Ag Ranking Member Rep. David Scott (D, SC) sounded a hopeful tone in his opening statement by saying, in so many words, to Chair Behnam that he deserves more funding. This became a popular refrain of Democrats in the hearing who may still be smarting from the debt ceiling debacle and various budget cuts.

Continue reading “CFTC’s Behnam Sees Need For Digital Assets Legislation At House Agriculture Hearing”

Binance and CEO CZ Charged By SEC; House Digital Assets Hearings Today And Tomorrow

SEC and Binance

Here’s today’s blockchain tipsheet… prefer it by email? Sign up here.

SEC charges Binance

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) charged cryptocurrency platform Binance and its CEO Changpeng “CZ” Zhao with thirteen separate charges related to securities violations yesterday.  Director of the SEC’s Division of Enforcement Gurbir Grewal said, “We allege that Zhao and the Binance entities not only knew the rules of the road, but they also consciously chose to evade them and put their customers and investors at risk – all in an effort to maximize their own profits.” Read the release. And, see the 136-page lawsuit (PDF).

In a tweet yesterday afternoon, the SEC (quoting from the press release) quoted a “Binance chief compliance officer 2018” who allegedly said, “We are operating as a fking unlicensed securities exchange in the USA bro.

The Wall Street Journal notes, “For the SEC, the lawsuit is another significant bet that U.S. courts will agree it has jurisdiction over the crypto industry, which often disputes that digital assets are securities.” Read it.

SEC charges Binance – reaction

Binance rejected the SEC’s suit in a company blog post yesterday and said in part, “Most recently, we have engaged in extensive good-faith discussions to reach a negotiated settlement to resolve their investigations.  But despite our efforts, with its complaint today the SEC abandoned that process and instead chose to act unilaterally and litigate.  We are disheartened by that choice.” Read the blog. And, read an early “take” on the lawsuit by industry participants on CoinDesk.

Meanwhile, Reuters also reports that from 2019 to 2020, Binance executive Guangying Chen operated five Silvergate Bank accounts belonging to Binance’s “purportedly” independent US affiliate. Read more. Continue reading “Binance and CEO CZ Charged By SEC; House Digital Assets Hearings Today And Tomorrow”