Crypto Rulemaking Requires Crypto Ownership Says Former US Treasury Undersecretary

owning is knowing

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Congress needs digital assets

On the World of DaaS podcast, former Undersecretary of the U.S. Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Sigal Mandelker discusses crypto’s transformative potential and crypto rule-making challenges in the U.S. government today.

Mandelker believes a hurdle for effective crypto legislation is the inability for members of government to own and interact with crypto technology due to current laws. She says, “[In] order to make smart rules about this particular set of problems, people in the government need to understand what the h*ll this is. And there are massive restrictions today that are ethical restrictions that completely block the ability of the people who have to make the decisions to actually interact with the technology. It’s crazy.”

Mandelker continues, “If you’re in any kind of policy role overseeing crypto, you can’t actually go online and see what Solana is, you can’t send Bitcoin, you can’t have Bitcoin. (…) The rules are massively onerous. (…) People in the government today who are making policy/regulatory decisions about crypto can’t own it/access it.” She worries that this will lead to the United States “disadvantaging itself globally.” Hear more.

Mandelker is a part of Ribbit Capital, a fintech and crypto investment firm.

digital assets help

Bermuda publication The Royal Gazette reports that Bermuda Premier David Burt “used his first official visit to Washington DC since before the Covid pandemic to discuss Bermuda’s digital asset industry ambitions.”

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New Self-Regulatory Organization Rules for Digital Assets; CFTC Applauds NFA Initiative


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SRO for digital assets

Does the digital assets industry need a self-regulatory organization (SRO) to ignite its future amid aggressive enforcement and legislative inaction in the United States?

The National Futures Association (NFA) appears to be doing its part with new rules on digital assets for its derivative industry members. In a press release, NFA announces that it “recently adopted NFA Compliance Rule 2-51, which imposes anti-fraud, just and equitable principles of trade, and supervision requirements on NFA Members and Associates that engage in digital asset commodity activities. The Rule’s scope is currently limited to Bitcoin and Ether.” Read the release.

Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Commissioner Caroline Pham applauded NFA’s initiative. “It’s critical to have an effective SRO like the NFA as a partner in the CFTC’s mission. I commend NFA for taking action now on spot digital asset commodity markets, including Bitcoin & Ether, to protect retail with this anti-fraud, conduct, disclosure & supervision rule,” tweeted Commissioner Pham on Friday afternoon.

more tips:

Rule 2-51. Requirements for Members and Associates Engaged in Activities Involving Digital Asset Commodities – National Futures Association

Statement of Commissioner Caroline D. Pham Regarding NFA Rule on Spot Digital Asset Commodity Activities –

Self-Regulatory Organization (SRO): Definition and Examples – Investopedia

Continue reading “New Self-Regulatory Organization Rules for Digital Assets; CFTC Applauds NFA Initiative”